Why Will You Love Language Coaching?

Language coaching is a different way of learning that allows you to practise speaking without the emotional roller coaster of a language class. Here’s why.

Amélie Lachance
French Coach at Expression-Transition
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Practice Speaking French Without Stress with Coaching
Learning a language in class is often like an extreme sport: we experience jagged emotions, sometimes very positive, sometimes very negative, and we sometimes feel drained after a lesson. Language coaching is a different way of learning that allows you to practise speaking without the emotional roller coaster of a language class. Here’s why.
Speaking and Capsizing Are Not So Different
I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. More specifically, I would like to tell you what type of learner I am. Much like everyone else, I’ve learned a lot of things in my life: languages, sports, and lately, the basics of sea kayaking.
First, I must admit that even if I sometimes practise extreme sports (such as mountain biking), I do not like to put myself in danger. That’s why I practise cross-country skiing and not downhill skiing. This is also true in life and at work: placing myself in a group increases my anxiety because I associate the group with danger. So I try to avoid that kind of situation.
Despite what I just told you, I still enrolled in this sea kayaking training to obtain Level 1 and go safely on the river with my family. No use hiding it, this activity was imposed on me. I was not the one who decided to learn this new sport.
Throughout the training, something was troubling me. A knot at the bottom of my stomach kept me from enjoying this beautiful day by the river. What I dreaded terribly was the final test which consisted of capsizing myself (!), hitting the kayak three times upside down in the sea (!!), then getting out of the kayak, while staying very calm. I remind you at this point that I do not like to put myself in danger. So this test was very stressful for me.
At this point, may I ask you a question: Do you feel a bit like that when you know that you will soon have to speak in a foreign language?
If your answer is yes, it’s perfectly normal. Your brain interprets the upcoming speech in exactly the same way my brain saw the planned capsizing. The heart beats faster, and we would do almost anything to avoid this obligation.
In my case, I managed to conquer my fear and did the least natural thing for me: knowingly put myself in danger. And I passed my test! I now have my Level 1 sea kayaking badge, and I’m very proud of it.
Speaking French When the Brain Is Calm
Let’s get back to coaching. During a coaching session, the coach makes sure to keep your brain in a calm state so that you can learn effectively. To do so, the coach makes sure to lay the necessary foundations for establishing a relationship based on trust. This reduces the pressure, because practising speaking a language in front of someone you trust is really less stressful than in front of a group of strangers!
In the same way, during my sea kayaking training, my stress would have been less if I had had the opportunity to do it individually, or if the other members of the group had encouraged me. Doing it individually would have allowed me to talk about the stress I was feeling. I could have asked all the questions that came to mind and maybe I could have even chosen the moment to capsize. These actions would have dropped down my stress level for sure.
In a coaching session, the coach uses other techniques to keep the learner’s brain in an optimal state for learning: The exchanges are non-directive (who likes to take orders anyway?) and allow you to know where you are in the planning of the session. If negative learning experiences block you, the coach can address and explore with you to go forward and continue learning.
As for myself, carrying my Level 1 in my back pocket, I will continue to sail on the river to gain confidence and experience. One day, I think I will actually take pleasure in this new activity and that I will no longer feel like it’s a danger to me.
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